Bli ayin hora Eli has been doing very well lately. He has been in school for a good part or all of each day this week so far. He has also BH been eating a lot as we are working on weaning Eli completely off the TPN. Today Eli had a quick scheduled appointment to get a 15 minute IV for low calcium. This evening Eli starts oral chemo for 2 months IYH. He will take one pill right before going to sleep and we will first give a nausea pill so that in case this causes any nausea it beezrat hashem will be controlled.
We have been told that there should not be any noticeable side effects and hopefully that will be the case. There is a small chance that Elis hair may thin or some fall out as a result but not likely. This again will hopefully in a best scenario continue to knock away at all cancer cells and continue to clear Elis body from the machla. It is also possible that it won’t do much in regards to continuing to clear the machla but IYH will at least keep it from spreading.
Please as always continue davening for Elimelech Ben Basya and all cholim.