
BAH today was a lot better in the pain department and most of the pain that Eli was having is either gone or being controlled by the morphine. They were able at some points to completely stop the morphine and the rest of time on a much lower does then yesterday. Elis mood as a result was a lot better as well.

At 11:30 Eli like a champ began drinking the horrible tasting contrast for the CT scan and at 1:30 had the CT scan. It felt like days but finally at 6PM the DR came to give me the results and BH we couldn’t be happier with them. Based on the extreme pain Eli was having we were convinced that we were not going to hear good news but BH we were wrong and the CT remains clear. This was a tremendous relief to us and to Eli and beezrat hashem it should always be like that and stay like that.

On Thursday they will inject Eli with the MIBG injection so that 24 hours later they can see more clear what the MIBG scan shows. This scan was not fully clear last time but was much improved. The DR thinks that there maybe some active cells around his knee causing all this discomfort and with time and some minor treatments it should be able to be controlled. At this point in time Eli remains very weak but is slowly regaining his composure and funny upbeat personality. In the meantime Eli will need to stay inpatient in order to be eligible to be covered by insurance to have this expensive scan as they label it emergency and therefore don’t need to wait until the next scheduled one. So in other words we are hoping that Eli will be feeling well and up to discharge after this scan sometime on Friday.

All day Elis heart rate has been on the higher side and they have been closely monitoring it with no real explanation as to why it is like that. Late this evening Eli spiked a 102 fever out of no where and they as always took blood cultures which we daven will be negative when they have the results in 18-48 hours from now.

In the meantime please have Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos and a reminder for those who can make it to a shul for Mincha on Thursday for Yom Kipur Koton which many times over have been told that this is a big segula and with the endless tragedies we have been facing may this be the start to only besuros tovos.