Eli is BH slowly recuperating from last week’s inpatient stay at the hospital. On Tuesday we got lucky when Eli went for a lab check and he didn’t need a transfusion. Today as expected Eli is getting a unit of direct donor blood.
I write this because this Sunday Bikur Cholim is having a blood drive to benefit Children’s Hospital ay Yavneh. This blood will help to save so many children, including those who we know from our community. It is VERY important that Bikur Cholim along with the frum community for whom CHLA does a lot to accommodate, show the hospital that we care and will help with this blood shortage for their patients. Bikur Cholim has in CHLA kosher meals, a fridge in every room that a jewish patient is in, direct donor blood program, shabos candles, extensive medical referrals, and a very long list of other services. As I have mentioned many times, the help Bikur Cholim has done and continues to do for Eli and our family on a daily basis and we have and owe them a tremendous amount of Hakaras Hatov, please if you have time this Sunday to donate blood at Yavneh call the Bikur Cholim office at 323-852-1900. Tizku Lmitzvos!
Eli IYH next week will have scans on WED to see what the latest status of the disease is and to determine the next best course of action.
Please as always have Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel in all your tefilos.