
The last few days BAH have been pretty good and Eli continues to make progress daily feeling stronger and being more active. He has been eating nice amounts and is enjoying it. On Monday Eli had his labs checked again and it showed very slight improvement in his platelet count. Being that its been over a month since his last chemo and since his platelets aren’t recovered enough to be eligible yet for the studies our only option for now is chemo.

On Monday we once again get a reality check as Eli will IYH go in to have his bone marrow checked. Eli has had this done many times but none very recently. If all goes well it should be a 15-30 minute procedure and they usually discharge Eli a few minutes after its complete. On Tuesday Eli will once again begin the same chemo as this past round but they will only do 4 instead of 5 days of chemo so it will be Tues-Friday and its done outpatient.

Based on the results of the bone marrow procedure they will then know if giving stem cells after chemo is complete will help jump start the platelets to climb. Once again this is our hope that it gets to a number that will allow him to be on a drug study versus chemo as the side effects of the drug studies are far less then chemo and the results can be much better but to reach criteria to be on one is much higher.

Please continue having Elimelech Ben Basya and all cholim in your tefilos

2 thoughts on “12/30/14

  1. Deena becher

    Hashem… Please we all beg of you to help eli and all the cholim they should have complete refuos with no yisurim!!! Mashiach should come and all the sick should get better and all the healthy ppl should remain healthy as always… Our tefilos are with eli thanks for his updates

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