
All day we worked on trying to get Eli to drink and eat more and he definitely did a lot better but as the day wore on he started getting a fever. At first it was a pretty low grade fever but pretty quickly spiked to above 103. So we headed to the ER where they did all the regular stuff. Eli did not need a blood transfusion but did need platelets. He is neutropenic and it may take a good few days for that to show signs of it improving.

We will hope and daven that the blood cultures come back negative and let the reason Eli had fever be his low counts and a side effect of chemo so that they won’t keep us here to long. The minimum is usually 40+ hours and we got here at 8PM so hopefully if all goes well there is a small chance we can be out before Shabos.

Please as always continue davening for Elimelech Ben Basya.

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