About 2 weeks ago Elis port site started to undo and was showing signs of a possible infection. They scheduled us for the next day to remove his port so that it doesn’t cause any blood infections. Since then Eli has been using the Picc line for blood drawns and nightly TPN. We are currently in CHLA for a scheduled procedure to put in a new line in Elis chest. It will have what’s called a double lumen so that 2 different medications that can’t be mixed in the same cocktail can happen simulataeously. The procedure is meant to last about 60-90 minutes to install and remove the Picc line.
On Sunday Eli is once again scheduled to be inpatient for the week for the next round of chemo and immunotherapy. That will be followed Beezrat Hashem by a week of lab draws and transfusions and that once again will be followed by scans.
Please keep Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos today and always. Also Hillel Sholom Shachneh Ben Rivka is IYH about to begin high dose chemo and will need our tefilos. Please have all Cholim in your tefilos.
Poor thing! Has he not had chemo since they took his port out?
Any updates? We are davening for Eli and hoping to hear good news soon!
We are davening but concerned there have been no updates. Koach