Monthly Archives: February 2013


Today was just another all around very good say for Eli. He woke up In a great mood and we enjoyed every minute of his entertainment. This afternoon he decided we should go to the beach for a bike ride which is exactly what we did. BH he had enough strength to ride his own bike and ride more then 5 miles (it was in the 70s today) we finally got home and Eli had a very large dinner.

Unfortunately our Dr didn’t give us much of a choice and felt it would be risky not to go ahead with the planned week of chemo (we has asked to postpone it for one week) so IYH we will be checking into CHLA on Monday morning and hoping it will go as well as it can and that we will be out before shabos so that Eli can some what enjoy Purim which he very much has been looking forward to for a while.

Please keep Elimelech Ben Basya in mind and we are really hoping and davening that this round will go as easy as possible. We have been warned that this round may have interesting side effects which we are hoping as always that they will be wrong and the round will go by as easy for Eli as possible.


Friday morning the nurse came to our home at 9AM to draw Eli’s blood as planned. Generally it takes once the blood reaches the lab only about 1-2 hours to have the full results. For some odd reason we called starting at 11AM for the results and they didn’t have them and said they would call us as Soon as they do have them. As the day progressed with no calls we started to get nervous and kept calling and still no results. Unfortunately we went into shabos not knowing the results or if we would be starting chemo on Monday or not. Motzei shabos we checked our email and messages and still no answer so w efinally got thru and BH after sweating it out for 36 hours we finally got the good results.

As far as Eli is concerned he had a great Friday and shabos. A lot of relaxing and tons of eating. He went to Shul for all the tefilos and enjoyed a Sholom Zachor Friday night. Shabos day after a few kidushim we finally made it home and Eli had invited a few friends and really enjoyed the day playing games and just being Eli and a normal 7 year old with BH no strings attached.

We have a busy schedule and a lot of decisions to be made this week and the coming weeks for Elimelech Ben Basya in regards to treatment, surgery and everything else and our tefilos are that we should be directed in the right path and that everything should get done right and in the right time with the right shaliach. Amen. A GUT VOCH


Eli BH had a very relaxed and good day he woke up in a good mood and that lasted all day. While the morning was spent at home eating and davening and relaxing there were big plans for this afternoon. At 2 PM Eli for the first time since being diagnosed agreed to go to school for a birthday party of a classmate. He was welcomed by his class and teacher who have gone many times out of their way on his behalf. Today was no exception the birthday took place outdoors so that there would be very minimal germs. He really enjoyed being with them and we thank the family for going completely out of their way to include Eli in today’s party it really lifted him up.

On Friday morning Eli is scheduled to have blood work and testing done. While this takes place every week numerous times this one is going to mean a lot. We are hoping that his platelet has risen high enough that he will be able to start round 4 on Monday. The reason to us and him that it means so much to start on Monday is that if it doesn’t his favorite Yom Tov of the year Purim will be spent in CHLA.

Please have Elimelech Ben Basya and all Cholim in mind that he and they should have a complete refua BKAROV and that his counts should be high enough that he will be able to start the chemo on Monday like planned and that chas vshalom there should be no negative side effects


The day started at CHLA with a routine doctor appt that went pretty well. After his appt Eli went to be mevaker choleh Binyomin Chaim Ben Feigie Sarah and wished him a refua shelayma. For some unknown reason the drive home didn’t agree with Eli and he got extremely nauseous and vomited all over himself. BH as son as he got home he felt a lot better and got right back into eating his lunch. I finally had a few minutes this afternoon and got Eli what he has been waiting for since the diagnosis his own blackberry!! Yes I know he’s 7 but if that’s what’s going to make him feel secure and happy then that is what I will get him. Wow was he busy figuring it all out and sending non stop texts all afternoon.

We learned a few new things from the doctor appt today one is that hopefully this round of chemo shouldn’t “beat him up” as the last round did however there can possibly be other not fun side effects. As of today his blood counts were rising and we need that to continue so that round 4 of chemo can begin on Monday as planned.

The next few days and weeks are crucial in terms of the scheduling that all IYH should continue to stay on schedule so that Elimelech Ben Basya can continue to have some sort of normalcy and be able to be home for Purim and Pesach if all go as planned. We are davening and are very hopeful that this will be the case.


Eli had another great relaxing day today. He spent the morning at home and then went to lunch with Bassy and a friend In a convertible which he loved. This afternoon he had a friend and his morah come and hang out and play with him in the house which he really enjoyed as well. BH his apetitie is getting bigger and better daily as well bli ayin hora.

IYH on Wed morning Eli had a scheduled doctors appointment and this by far has been the longest stretch since the diagnosis that he hasn’t been to CHLA. Hopefully and beezrat Hashem this will be exactly what it’s meant to be which is just a routine scheduled checkup to make sure all is continuing on the right path and that Eli is strong enough to begin round 4 of chemo on Monday morning.

Please keep Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley Yisroel in mind in hopes that Eli and everyone else that needs a refuah gets exactly what they need as quick as they need with no complications or side effects. We are hoping to stay on this path of only having good news.


BH we can add another great day to the list that will hopefully stay this way. Eli woke up in a great mood and his mood and appetite just continued to get better thru out the day. He had a very big lunch and then decided even though it’s barely 60 degrees outside that we should have a BBQ so that’s what we did and wow did he eat. We have the Eli of old times back and hopefully here to stay this way. Eli has definetly gained a nice amount of weight from the low he was at about 10 days ago when he finished the rough round of chemo.

Rabbi Jacobs came again today and learned with Eli and it’s been a huge chizuk for Eli as we have finally figured out a way that will make him want his rebbi to come and learn with him and even to be reviewing his Chumash in bed at night $0.25 a posuk and he and we are loving the results. His rebbi and morah have been exceptionally special and caring towards Eli and we wil never properly be able to thank them.

IYH the good days for Elimelech Ben Basya are here to stay and we continue to daven that this will be the case in hopes of seeing Eli have a full refua BKAROV.


The news is BH getting only better with Eli having a perfect day full of relaxing and eating and that’s the way we like it. He woke up with a full appetite and we made sure from morning to night everything he wanted to eat he got asap. Eli spent the day with all of us just in total relaxation mode. He seems close to be getting back his sense of humor which we have missed lately.

We were zoche this morning to be the Kvater at the bris of our friends the Habers. We used the opportunity to daven on behalf of Eli that the next few days, weeks and months go by better then planned and with chas vshalom no side effects. This afternoon I spent with a few other fathers of RL very sick children relaxing at a hotel arranged by Chai Lifeline and got to know some of them and learn from others. IYH all of us should be zoche to dance by our childrens Bar mitzvas, Chasunas and all and only simchas

As the good days hopefully are here to stay the only way we know that is possible to happen is with everyone keeping Elimelech Ben Basya in mind in ALL their tefillos and kabalos on his behalf. Hopefully Chodesh Adar will bring what its supposed to bring which is ONLY Simcha during this trying time. Even though we have had a relatively good week there still remains many decisions, treatments, and a long road ahead of us that we hope will only get better for Eli and all of us.


A GUT VOCH and a GUT CHODESH. BH we got exactly what we asked for over shabos which was just a nice relaxing peaceful shabos. Eli went to Shul for all the tefilos and was overall in a great mood. He ate plenty and we really feel like Eli has finally gotten this past round of chemo BH out of his nauseous system. He spent a good part of shabos afternoon at home just relaxing and playing some board games.

On Motzei shabos he had already planned this over shabos that since his rebbi gave him a gift certificate for the pizza store for knowing all his chumash perfectly that we must go so of course as usual Eli wants Eli gets. We went there and ate up a storm and enjoyed seeing some people we havent in quite a while. We don’t have much planned for Eli this week And hopefully he will just be up to eating a lot and relaxing before we start next week on round 4 of chemo.

We are hoping that the brochas Of simcha that are associated with CHODESH Adar will have the true effect on Elimelech Ben Basya in hopes that he will just be happy and have a very good and easy month with all the treatments he will be having.


Keep the good days coming is all we wish for these days. BH that’s what we had again today with Eli waking up hungry and in the mood to eat and he did that for a good part of the day. He then did some shopping with his mother and came home to have a learning visit from his rebbi Rabbi Jacobs.

We are looking forward beezrat hashem to a nice relaxing shabos IYH at home (ba shabos ba menucha). Eli is already palnning on going to shul and hopefully being up to playing with some friends.

We are hoping to only continue this trend of good news and maybe even sooner then later have even better news with Elimelech Ben Basya and once again shabos hee melizuk will hopefully come into play again. Gut shabos


Let the good days keep coming. We were happily awaken by Eli this morning asking for French toast which he hasn’t wanted in 2+ months so we happily obliged. His nausea for the most part BH has subsided and he is slowly gaining some weight and strength. Elis morah from toras Emes who has gone very much out of her way for him came today with one of his classmates and they had a blast here at home. A friend of ours from NY has been busy the last few days having many different singers send Eli a personall message on video which he really enjoyed and really lifted his spirits.

We are very much looking forward beezrat Hashem to a shabos at home all together in good health and full of strength and a appetite. The things we have always expected and taken for granted have become somewhat of a big deal these days and we are not complaining we are just a lot happier when they do take place now.

My friends from Peeksill Yeshiva have arranged since Elimelech Ben Basya was diagnosed to finish the entire Sefer tehilim twice on a daily basis and they are working on completing tehilim even more times daily then that (a HUGE yasher koach to them ). Anyone that can commit to saying a few kapitlach every day should please email Tizku lmitzvos and we should be Zoche to continue to write only good news.