Monthly Archives: February 2013


Eli had BH another very good day under the circumstances today. He spent the morning at home with a schedule that we made for him and then he went and a few things he really enjoys like playing WII. He then spent the afternoon with a family friend who drove him around in a convertible and entertained and played with him for many hours thank you!! BH his appetite is definetly getting better each day and he is having a lot less nausea and it’s wearing off earlier then the last few days bli ayin hora.

Beezrat Hashem these are just the beginning of only good days ahead with Eli regaining his strength, appetite and cute personality. We continue to make sure he gets as many calories and as much food as possible. Tommorow is another day and that’s how we take things these days and we are grateful for the good days and learn to live with the not such good days.

Please continue to have Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos in hopes of keeping him and getting him as strong as possible. We know about many tefilos and Kabbalos that different people have under taken and it is clearly what is getting us thru these challenging times. We hope to continue only having good reports.


We are slowly getting Eli back to some normalcy finally. While it does take pretty long in the morning to get himself together and to get over the nausea each day BH has gotten better. Once the afternoon comes he is almost himself and is now finally eating a somewhat normal meal and a decent amount of it. We have finally set up a WII game in the house which not only helps to keep Eli occupied it is also very good that it makes him do exercise. Our goal after each round is to try to get him back to the full strength or as close as possible to that so he can continue fighting.

Bassy works all day on every aspect of Eli from arranging his day to taking care of his basic needs and most of all her love that makes Eli feel so warm and happy all this with a smile even though some days are extremely tough. While Eli isn’t really old enough to understand how hard it is for us to see him going through this it gives him a sense of relief knowing he can call on my wife or myself at any second of the day.

We are out to make sure Elimelech Ben Basya only has the best care and the most love and we are doing all this knowing that WE WILL beezrat hashem overcomes this machla and Eli will IYH have a FULL recovery BKAROV


Finally after having a very rough last few days Eli finally seems to be slowly coming out of his deep nausea spell. While it did take until 6PM for him to take his first bite for the day when he finally did he ate a very nice amount. Best of all bli ayin hora he kept it all down. While he does continue to drink a very nice amount he needs to gain weight and eat a lot of calories which is what we try getting him to do all day. Finally it looks like we are succeeding.

Eli had some very choshuveh visitors today which definetly contributed a lot to his mood being better and him having more strength then he has had of late. His rebbi Rabbi Jacobs came and learned with him this afternoon which Eli has not been up to doing lately do BH he is back on that track. And then this evening thanks to a local rov Eli got a special visit from the Pinsk Karlin Rebbe who is in LA for a very short stay and spent 30 minutes with Eli in our home and it ended with a very special Brocha which lit Eli’s face up “Eli I want you at this time next year to come visit me in Eretz Yisroel”.

Everyone’s tefilos are definetly helping us and Elimelech Ben Basya get thru these past few difficult days and months. Beezrat Hashem we will only continue to have good news and reports on Eli bsoch shaar choley Yisroel and we should be Zoche to see Eli and all Cholim have a full refua BKAROV.


The day began very early in the morning with Eli waking up many times throughout the night with nausea and vomiting. It was finally at 11:30AM that Eli felt up to getting out of bed for some fresh air. We took a long walk and got him his favorite drink from coffee bean. He then got back into bed and relaxed until he decided at 5PM that he was in the mood out of all things a big steak. We ran and ordered him one and he couldn’t get enough of it and bli ayin hora ate the whole thing. I say bli ayin hora because seeing Eli lose the amount of weight he has lost in the last week is quite scary but BH seeing him finally hopefully starting to eat again is a very good sign. He then even insisted on joining me for some super bowl fun and it was great to see him laugh and enjoy.

His lost weight caused us a lot of concern as we contemplated taking him back to the hospital but they told us that being that he is drinking which BH he is doing a lot of and he doesn’t have fever sadly in this situation this is considered normal. We will be working as hard as possible to have Eli eat as much as possible in hopes that he will get his full healthy appetite back.

Beezrat Hashem Elimelech Ben Basya will start gaining weight and full strength in the coming days so that he will be able to try to do what most other kids his age are doing and enjoy life. BH a little relief we do have is that Eli is not in any pain and when he isn’t nauseous he still has his funny jokes and personality. Hoping to have only good news BKAROV. Thank you to everyone who keeps Eli and our family in their tefilos


After finally getting home from CHLA after a very rough week Eli finally made it to the new house where everything was set perfectly for him. Eli insisted that he go to Shul Friday night so i reluctantly took him. Unfortunately he was very weak so I pushed him in a stroller so he can be where he loves to be SHUL. He enjoyed being there davened a little had a candy and said gut shabos to everyone. We were hoping that he would be up to eating but he really wasn’t and after kidush he went to bed. Hoping he would get a good night sleep without all the disturbances he gets while in the hospital. However he woke up a few times to throw up the liquid which was the only thing he had in his system.

Shabos morning we ate by a friend and Eli said all he wants is chulent which we were very happy to give him being it was the first food that he wanted to eat since Wednesday morning! He had 2 bowls of chulent and BH seemed very happy and so were we. Eli rested for most of the afternoon and then again insisted on going to Shul for mincha the only problem was once we got there he got very nauseous from the smell of the shalosh seudos food so we couldn’t stay.

We are hoping Elimelech Ben Basya wakes up tommorow with a stronger appetite so we can get him to eat and hold the food down as he is extremely skinny and weak at this current time. We have 2 weeks IYH until the next round of chemo and we hope to have Eli with all his strength and good modes back way before then so that he can continue this fight on the way to his complete refuah BKAROV. A GUT VOCH


There are so many things you hear from different people in different positions and many have different brochas and segulas they tell you some you take seriously and some you brush off. One Brocha we will be needing and counting on is shabos hee melizuk that Brocha has never meant more to us then this week. Yes BH Eli is home but he is very weak and is having a hard time keeping food down.

Another Brocha we are hoping will also come in to meaning is meshaneh makom meshaneh MAZAL all which these days mean the world to us. We have BH moved and almost completely settled into our new home and we are hoping that it bring only Brocha and MAZAL.

Please have Elimelech Ben Basya in mind over shabos and in your tefilos in hopes that him being home will be the beginning of only good things and that IYh all side effects that have been plaguing him the last few days will disappear. Gut shabos


Today is a day that hopefully Eli will not remember. He was in a bad mood from when he woke up after the few short hours that he barely slept. The nausea was very intense today and the vomiting was not fun and really almost unfair. He didnt even try to eat anything today for his fear that it would come right out. Bh the night ended on a good note with a visit from his “uncle” who REALLY made him smile for the first time today.Eli has definetly lost some weight this week and we are really looking forward to getting out of CHLA for a very needed break hopefully before shabos beezrat Hashem.

Hopefully moving into our new house will make Eli feel comfortable and happy and we look forward to having him home especially for his brother and sister who have not seen Eli since Monday. IYH he will be up to eating and getting some excercise so he can gather himself and the strength he will need to continue fighting this machla.

We are davening that Elimelech Ben Basya will have a much better day Friday and that he will have the koach to continue this fight and enough koach that the doctors will feel he is strong enough to go home for shabos.