Monthly Archives: November 2013


BH we received good news this morning that the CT scan was all clear. Both the CT scan and MIBG scan at diagnosis we not clear and now they have been clear for the last few scans and beezrat hashem they will always be that way. Eli spent a long and tiring day in school today but he lasted the full day.

Early Wednesday morning we will return to CHLA for the bone marrow procedure. It is a very quick procedure but since it involves general anesthesia there’s no eating or drinking prior. The only expected side effect is that Eli will be sore for the remainder of the day and possibly a little the following day. The results of the test generally take a few days.

Please continue having Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos


The day started early and went as smooth as possible. After drinking the special drinks like a champ Eli went in for the CT followed by an echcardiogram. BH both were done before 11:15AM and the DR appt after that was cancelled.

Eli stayed home the rest of the day but IYH will be in school for a full day on Tuesday. We did not get results of the CT yet but we will hopefully have them at some point tommorow. Wednesday morning is the bone marrow procedure.

Please as always keep Elimelech Ben Basya in mind in all your tefilos.


Eli didn’t have the best nights sleep because of the side effects of the accutane which causes him to itch. But BH he woke up in a good mood and went to school. Once he was home he didn’t want to do much other then relax.

We have a full schedule on Monday in CHLA starting at 7:30AM with a drink to help them read the CT scan better which doesn’t taste good and needs to be drunk over a 2 hour period. Once that’s done Eli will have a echocardiogram. IYH we hope since its an early CT to have the results by the end of the day of not on Tuesday.

Beezrat hashem all will continue to head in the right direction for Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel.


BH Eli made it to shul and enjoyed Shabos to the fullest as he always does. We look forward to this continuing IYH all week.

There is a lot on the schedule this week starting early Monday with a CT scan followed by a echocardiogram and then a DR appt and then on Wed they will give Eli general anesthesia for the bone marrow procedure.

Please continue to daven for Elimelech Ben Basya that he should continue only having clear and clean results from all his scans as we help him reach the ultimate goal of a refua shelayma bkarov. A GUT VOCH


At about 11AM today we finally got the email we were waiting 24 hours for from the DR. BH the MIBG scan was completely clear and all the previously infected areas are negative for disease.

Eli lasted a full day in school for the first time in nearly 2 weeks and beezrat hashem that will be the same on Friday. The next scan in on Monday early morning which is the CT scan followed by a echocardiogram and a DR appt. On Wed is the bone marrow procedure.

BH for these results and we thank all the people who have and continue to have Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel in their tefilos and we look forward to continuing having only good reports.


At 9:30AM Eli headed to CHLA for his MIBG scan which began on time at 10AM and took about 90 minutes. Eli was a champ and didn’t move so they can get all the images required. They then sent him upstairs for some quick blood work to see if Elis blood levels are up to par to begin accutane. On Monday the blood levels weren’t well enough so they repeated that test today. BH Elis labs are now good enough to go ahead with the accutane. The good news is that being he didn’t start on Monday and they want it completed before round 5 of Immunotheray the next round which is a back to back one won’t begin until IYH the first week of December which will allow Eli to be home for most of Chanuka.

I was hoping to receive the scan results today but wasn’t so lucky. I hope to have them sometime on Thursday. After being tied down to the table for the scan today Eli celebrated with a steak from Shilos which was a present he received from a family friend. We hope Eli will be in school for a full day on Thursday for the first time in a while.

Looking forward to continue sharing only besuros tovos for Elimelech Ben Basya.


Eli didn’t have the best night sleep so we kept him home. He had to be anyway at CHLA at 12:45 for his MIBG injection. The remainder of the day he spent at home and visiting his Bubby and Zaidy.

On Wednesday is the MIBG scan which he will IYH have at 10AM and takes roughly 90 minutes of laying very still while a machine scans every bone in his body to beezrat hashem make sure its clear. We hope to get results same day but that’s not always or usually the case.

Please continue davening for Elimelech Ben Basya that all should be good, easy and clear and that we should have only good results.


Although today was a short scheduled day in school it was good to have Eli back into routine. He was home after dismissal at 12:30 and headed to CHLA for his 2:30 appt. After some explaining and confusion they realized they had us down wrong and the MIBG injection isn’t until Tuesday but today was a DR appt to make sure Elis blood levels were well enough to do the next round of accutane. BH all went well and Eli is doing the accutane.

IYH Eli will have a MIBG injection on Tuesday followed by the scan on Wednesday followed by a CT scan early Monday morning. The bone marrow procedure hasn’t been scheduled yet.

Beezrat hashem all will go smoothly and well for Elimelech Ben Basya and we will be able to continue on the road to a refua shelayma.


Eli had a mostly quiet relaxed day at home in preparation for the coming week. We look forward to having Eli in school for the full shortened day on Monday. After that he has a 2:30 CHLA appointment for a “MIBG injection” which shouldn’t take more then a few minutes. Tuesday is the actual MIBG scan which is when Eli has to lay in one place and basically not move for 90 minutes while they do a full body bone scan. The injection makes things a lot clearer during the scan.

Please continue having Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos.