Not sure when today will end but to put it mildly its been a VERY VERY long one. It started in middle of the night when the nurse he had who for whatever reason felt it necessary to wake both me and Eli literally every 30-60 minutes for stupidity. Then BH at 7AM her shift was over and the new nurse came in and let Eli sleep in a little. That was followed by very good news that Elis blood counts shot up a lot overnight a lot more then they had expected. As the day progressed and after a scheduled echocardiogram the DRs realized there was no reason for Eli to be there and they let us know Eli would be going home today.
Finally at 5:30PM after getting another blood transfusion and his IV antibiotics they said Eli can go as long as I agreed to continue giving Eli IV at home 3X a day for a few days to make sure that there was/is no infection and if CV there was/is one its being treated for which I happily agreed to. After finally getting home and right away having to clean up a few messes Eli got into bed only to wake up screaming in pain at 10:30PM that his central line was hurting him. We tried calming him and it wasn’t going to happen and his DR ordered us to unhook his TPN and head back to the ER ASAP. So as I write now we are in the ER and praying that it is a small blockage in his line that can be easily unclogged and that Beezrat hashem we will be able to go home shortly as the alternative isn’t a good one.
Eli needs a break from this building and a good night sleep and he deserves one to. Hopefully that will happen I guess not tonight but IYH tmrw night. Its been a rough couple days and weeks. Because Elis counts went as high as they went today the DR also cleared Eli to go on Sunday to NY which we are hoping won’t be postponed.
Please daven for Elimelech Ben Basya that tonight should be a small and easy fix and that we won’t need to be here long or admitted.