Monthly Archives: October 2017


Just a few things i would like to update.

BH on 9/3/17 were zoche to a healthy baby boy who had his bris 8 days later we named “Simcha” for obvious reasons. He continues every minute to bring us Simcha and nachas BH.
2 weeks after Simcha was born was Chuf Vuv Elul which marked the first yartzeit of Eli AH. We had the hakamas matzeiva. The same evening my father spoke to a large crowd gathered in Kanner Hall. Which was followed by a video on the life of Eli. This video can now be seen on by searching “life of Eli Gradon” its the video thats about 27 minutes long.
This Monday night 10/30/17 is the Chai Lifeline West Coast dinner in LA where myself and Bassy along with my parents have accepted to be honored Lzecher Nishmas Eli AH. We owe Chai Lifeline a tremendous amount of hakaras hatov for being there for Eli and our family from day 1 thru today and forever.