Monthly Archives: September 2018


Today is Eli Z’L 2nd yartzeit. Its a day we obviously will never forget as there isnt many seconds in our day and home that Eli isnt on the top of our minds.
Many people have done alot to help continue his legacy and in the last year we had many things done bzchus his neshama. Hachnasas sefer tora, shiurim, amongst many other things. This full week in Eli Zaidy kollel, Kollel Merkaz Hatora many of our family and friends donated to have the week of learning all as a zchus laliyas neshama.
Tonight Thursdsy 9/6 at 8:30pm in Bais Medrash Sharei Tora hall (330 N La Brea Ave) Harav Shlomo Einhorn of Yeshivas Yavneh will speak divrei chizuk and azkarah in honor of the yartzeit.
We thank everyone who did, does or continues to do zchusim for Eli and may we be zoche thay this be the last yartzeit before Moshiach and Techias Hamaeisim.
Kesiva vachasima tova