The day started at CHLA with a routine doctor appt that went pretty well. After his appt Eli went to be mevaker choleh Binyomin Chaim Ben Feigie Sarah and wished him a refua shelayma. For some unknown reason the drive home didn’t agree with Eli and he got extremely nauseous and vomited all over himself. BH as son as he got home he felt a lot better and got right back into eating his lunch. I finally had a few minutes this afternoon and got Eli what he has been waiting for since the diagnosis his own blackberry!! Yes I know he’s 7 but if that’s what’s going to make him feel secure and happy then that is what I will get him. Wow was he busy figuring it all out and sending non stop texts all afternoon.
We learned a few new things from the doctor appt today one is that hopefully this round of chemo shouldn’t “beat him up” as the last round did however there can possibly be other not fun side effects. As of today his blood counts were rising and we need that to continue so that round 4 of chemo can begin on Monday as planned.
The next few days and weeks are crucial in terms of the scheduling that all IYH should continue to stay on schedule so that Elimelech Ben Basya can continue to have some sort of normalcy and be able to be home for Purim and Pesach if all go as planned. We are davening and are very hopeful that this will be the case.
hi i was just curious to Know if you got the pictures my kids made for Eli…Hope he enjoys them and may he have a refuah shelama …
Dear malkiel and basy- I just wanted to tell u that we think about u all the time and we daven for eli always. The kinderlach in the playgroup say tehilim almost everyday-in their sweet voices in the zechus that eli will have a complete refuah sheleima. We also make many brachos in elis zechus and answer amen! Hashem should give u a lot of koach and only good news to report- pls let us know if we can help in any way- rochel and yehoshua goldman