
This morning we were at CHLA for a scheduled transfusion which BH Eli only needed platelets so it was relatively short visit. Eli for the most part is still very slowly recuperating and sleeping a lot but BAH pain free. 

Yesterday there were 4 locations that I’m aware of that said Yom Kippur Koton specially for Eli in our Shul, in my father kollel, in Israel and in the Bronx beezrat hashem all of the tefilos will be a zchus for Eli and all cholim. 

This evening in 30 minutes from now at 7:00PM LA time there will be a tehilim teleconference. To be honest I’m not sure what it means but we do daven that this and any of the many zchusim people continue to do on behalf of Elimelech Ben Basya ‎ ‎will be a real zchus for a refuah for Eli. 

The # to call is  712-432-1212 meeting id 734673848# 
I am not sure but I think you need to press mute so that people can hear whoever will be speaking. Tizku lmitzvos. A GUT CHODESH‎