
On Friday we spent a few hours in CHLA to draw labs and see the DR and BH all was good and Eli didn’t need any transfusions. IYH we are a go for Monday-Friday outpatient chemo, the same chemo that was given this last time which a few tests showed some improvement. 

Eli had a great Shabos and weekend where he got out a lot to many different places and he felt BAH very well and beezrat hashem that will continue. 

Please continue having Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos that this week’s treatment and all treatments should do what they are meant to do with no side effects. 

As a reminder please have
Chaya Mushka Bas Haddasa Shayna
Golda Bas Miriam
Rochel Emunah Bas Rivka Devora Bryna‎
Gittel Bas Shoshana Rochel
Malka Braindel Bas Shaina Shifra‎
Hillel Sholom Shachneh Ben Rivka
Avrohom Ben Leah
Yonasan Rafoel Ben Baila‎