After a long hard and tiring week at CHLA Eli finished this round of chemo and BH was discharged soon after that. We got home during Shabos at about 3:30PM and we look forward beezrat hashem to helping Eli regain some strength and prepare for what lays ahead with the future treatments. On Friday night we had a seuda in his room in CHLA where we were joined by 2 of Elis favorite “uncles” . On Shabos morning we were visited by a few special people that took the long 1.5+ hour walk each way to visit Eli and myself and it was very much appreciated and right before we were discharged the local Chabad shliach also came by. Even after Eli had a blood transfusion today with of course yidishe blood arranged by Bikur Cholim his counts are still very low and germs and infections are high on our watch list.
The next scheduled thing is a IYH a visit to the DR on Wednsday morning and exactly what or when after that isn’t certain. We are taking one day at a time and looking forward to helping Elimelech Ben Basya be zoche to what he really needs a refua shelayma bkarov. A GUT VOCH