Eli was moved today out of the POU into a regular room today which is a big step forward before he can be released. While we are very happy that he has reached the point that they were ok to move him the new regular room is a small shared room which hopefully won’t be to noisy so that we both can get some rest over shabos. The DRs continue to be bli ayin hora very pleased with Elis recuperation and Eli is very much on track to IYH being discharged in the early part of the week.
We also received some VERY good news from DR Kushner in NY that the biopsy that they did during this recent surgery on Elis liver BH came back negative and that there was no disease affecting it. Other then IV which he is always on when in the hospital he has only one tube left that needs to be removed and hopefully that will be the case in the near future. We are both looking forward to spending quality relaxing time bedside in MSKCC over shabos and are happy that Bassy is back relaxing with Sori and Ari in LA.
Shabos hee melizuk hopefully will be very much in play this shabos as we hope that things will continue on a steady good pace for Elimelech Ben Basya and Binyomin Chaim Ben Faigie Sara (Elis local LA partner) bsoch shaar choley yisroel.
Baruch Hashem! Halevai vaiter….besoros tovos. We are all davening…
Bh! We are so excited and so happy, can’t wait for more good news – we’re all davening!!