
Elis counts are climbing but are still not at the level needed to start the next round of chemo. I spoke with the DR today who said its very normal that it should take this long after the very high dose chemo that Eli had. The next time they will try is IYH Monday morning and if they are good we will check in to CHLA on Wed. If they are still not good they will try again on Thursday.

Eli was out at a amusement park on Thursday Chol Hamoed and shockingly was in the mood and went on a bunch of rides. We enjoyed the day espicially seeing Eli so happy and in a such a good mood. On a side note Eli felt very special when I told him that over the last week aside from the people signed up to get the email updates the website Eligradon.com reached 100,000 hits this week and he now feels like a celebrity. We look forward to enjoying Shabos and the 2nd days some meals at home, some at friends and some at Bubby and Zaidy with the cousins.

Please as always continue to have Elimelech Ben Basya as well as all cholim in mind over Shabos and YT in your tefilos.

Also Chana Tova Bas Esther Shoshana who is suffering from the same machla as Eli is currently in middle of a very long surgery in the East Coast and we wish them nothing short of the ultimate goal we all look forward to a refua shelayma.