Bli ayin hora Eli definitely showed some improvement today and we hope its the start of a new trend. He walked further then he’s walked in a while and didn’t lose his breath to quickly either. While he has a long way to go we are extremely happy with baby steps as long as they are headed in the right direction which today showed signs that way. He also felt better about himself and got out a little bit more and ate more to.
We hope we are getting closer and headed in the direction of a stronger, healthier and heavier Eli IYH over the next few days and weeks as we prepare for the next stage in the treatment. On Thursday the home health nurse will come to our home and draw Elis blood which will let us know how his blood counts are and if he will need a blood or platelet transfusion. Other then that hopefully beezrat hashem Eli has nothing else planned for about a week and we are not complaining.
Please as always continue to daven for Elimelech Ben Basya and all cholim. I haven’t really been good about thanking individuals lately for their tefilos, kabalos and many other personal things people have done for Eli and our family’s behalf lately and we really appreciate it and it means the world to us. We look forward to besuros tovos only.