
The plan is to get on a 9AM flight Sunday and be in NY until Wed afternoon. On Monday Eli will have a consult with Dr Kushner and get his MIBG injection and on Tuesday will be full of all the scans CT, MIBG and bone marrow. Beezrat hashem we will have good news a few days after the scans once the results are in.

Unfortunately the cholim list of young children from LA is growing and we need to be mispalel that this list changes from cholim to families being zoche to nachas and refua shelayma from these special children. Elimelech Ben Basya, Chaya Mushka Bas Haddasa Shayna, Golda Bas Miriam, Chana Tova Bas Esther Shoshana bsoch shaar choley yisroel. Besuros Tovos