We were at CHLA at 9AM today to start drinking contrast for the CT scan but Eli wasn’t up to drinking it and it’s horrible taste. At 10 they wheeled him to the scan room and he was overly exhausted and slept the whole time which is great because usually he is very agitated being literally tied down and not able to move. The scan was finally done at 12 and we were on our way home.
Finally at 4PM the call came from the DR with unofficial results (they need to wait for Radiologist to read and write) but from what they can see its considered BAH VERY GOOD NEWS. Meaning we were expecting based on how he looks and has been feeling that things may of gotten out of control but BH the scans showed either a drop better then last scan or the same but definitely not worse which is amazing great news.
They did see something in his colon like possibly a virus which they are going to send in a stool sample to see what it is and that maybe causing the excess vomiting and diahrea. We look forward IYH to a stress free Shabos and thank everyone for their support and tefilos. We still have a long way to go but we are far from complaining.
Please as always continue having Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos. A GUT SHABOS
So happy to read good news. Please G-d it should continue and get better and better.
Good Shabbos to the whole family.
Stu and Marcia Fine
So glad that the test results you got today, Be’H were better than expected. Hopefully we should hear only besoros tovos for Eli. We are all continuing our tefillos for him so he should have a refuah shleima speedily. Have a Gut Shabbos.