
For the last few months we have tried arranging for Eli to go to Israel but each opportunity didn’t work for different reasons. ‎BH this time it worked. We left Los Angeles on Monday on the direct ELAL flight and landed Tuesday 2PM. We relaxed on Tuesday for a few hours and then headed to the Wolmark wedding where they gave Eli star treatment!! After a few hours Eli got tired and we headed to Yerushalayim to our hotel for a good night sleep. 

Wednesday morning our first stop was the Kosel where Eli davened for a long while for himself as well as a long list of other young cholim fighting the same machla. It was a very special moment and I was able to see Eli was happy he did it. From there after a short break it was onto Kever Rochel where once again he davened for friends and family and everyone. 

Late in the day I took Eli to the Mir Yeshiva to see where I learned and what goes on in a yeshiva and Eli was very impressed. We took a walk thru Geula and Meah Shearim and Eli thoroughly enjoyed. Thursday we hope to go to kvarim of Eli’s Great Grandparents and kivrei tzadikim. We have a lot to try to accomplish in the short time we have here and hope to be able to do that. 

We owe a tremendous amount of Hakaros Hatov to Shlomo Yehuda and Tamar Rechnitz for arranging this trip for Eli from start to finish. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for Eli and so far he is very much taking advantage of every minute here. 

Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel lrefua shelayma bkarov ‎

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