
The day at MSKCC was supposed to begin with a 10AM scan but as we were pulling up we were called and told that its running late and won’t start until 1PM. So we headed up to have his lab work done and to get the results to see what he needs. So it was the same as yesterday and he needed platelets which took a while to get but once it came it only took a few minutes to transfuse. While we were waiting for the transfusion the DR gave us the good news that they can do the MIBG therapy again.

Eli once again needed a dreaded shot to help boost his blood numbers. Finally at 2PM we headed down for the final of 3 scans. By the time all was done it was after 4PM and we finally left the hospital.

The schedule for next week is pending because one of the blood numbers has to be at a certain level and it isn’t exactly there yet so they will have us come in on Sunday to check his labs so that they can make sure that when they want to order the MIBG therapy on Monday for Tuesday that his levels are ok. But if he is beezrat hashem cleared when he is supposed to we will check in to the hospital Monday evening and then Tuesday morning they will put in the catheter and sometime Tuesday afternoon they will give the MIBG therapy. If this all takes place when it should and the week goes IYH as planned then we should be discharged from MSKCC on Friday and be able to fly home Sunday.

Thank you to everyone that had and constantly has Elimelech Ben Basya in their tefilos and please keep him there that all should only continue only and always in the right direction. A GUT SHABOS