Eli had a busy morning with 2 appointments at CHLA first for a EKG and then with his primary DR to discuss the next few months. The immunotherapy consists of 7 inpatient weeks from a Sunday night to a Friday morning some are on consecutive weeks and some are every few weeks. This process will IYH begin Sep 8th at night and end Erev YK Friday morning.
IYH on Wed will be the first day back at school for all the kids INCLUDING ELI and while we know he will be missing plenty of days for appointments and treatments but by the fact alone that he has the green light from the DRs to go is a big deal and beezrat hashem he will be fine as he slowly gets back to himself. For those that haven’t seen Eli lately bli ayin hora he definitely has more strength and from the scale today he also gained some weight and while it was a small amount BH he is gaining and not losing. He also has started to grow back his hair and while its still very short its finally coming back.
Please continue to daven that things should continue to go in the right direction for Elimelech Ben Basya and that he should have the strength to last in school for as many hours as he physically can handle.
Separately please have in mind Chaya Mushka bas Hadassa Shaina a local beautiful girl who is beezrat hashem finished all her treatments and do something extra in her zchus that the next few days should only yield good positive results on some very important scans and tests she will be having.