
First day back at school after missing most of last year went BH very well. Eli was very excited to go and received a very warm welcome from all of his friends and classmates. Rabbi Weiner 3rd grade is Elis rebbi and Mrs Levin is his english teacher. Eli lasted until about 2:45 when he decided he needed to go back home. On Thursday IYH he will be back as between yomim tovim and being inpatient there are very few days of class that Eli will be at over the next few months and so far BH better then we could of hoped for and beezrat hashem that will only continue and hopefully Eli will push himself to last if not the whole day most of it.

There isn’t much on the schedule as far as DR appointments until he is scheduled to be inpatient on Sunday 9/8 at night.

Please continue to daven that all should continue and go well for Elimelech Ben Basya and the many other cholim that are in need of our tefilos etc.