
Eli made it thru another pretty rough day and as he has always done he hasn’t complained a word. The endless amounts of nurses, doctors and assistants that come thru the door to check on him and add or slow down the meds is insane. There is no time for him to rest, relax or sleep peacefully as there is always another tylenol, blood pressure or temperature check. All of these obviously are for his benefit but its just not fun or easy to put it mildly. On the flip side can’t complain as I bumped into a parent that I met while Eli was in the transplant unit and he got to the transplant unit 3 months before Eli did and is still there with no end in sight.

Thursday IYH will be the final day of this 1st cycle of immunotherapy and hopefully will fly by. The plan is for Eli to be discharged Friday hopefully in the morning so that he can actually rest and relax and slowly get back on his feet and eat something orally which he hasn’t done all week.

The schedule now other then possibly a DR visit is to keep Eli at home and enjoying sukkos and the family before he needs to return to CHLA for the next round starting Sunday night right after sukkos the 29th from Sunday night to Friday morning and to go home for the weekend and then right back again for Sunday night to Friday morning followed by a few weeks break IYH.

Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel lrefua shelayma Bkarov amen

One thought on “9/11/13

  1. Malka Eisenman

    Hi I saw your story and apparently my husband went to peekskiil with your husband anyway I wanted to tell u that I davened at the kosel for eli today. May you have a gmar chasima tova.

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