
Bli ayin hora for the first time in many months Eli went today to the infusion center to check his blood and get any transfusions that he needs. BH we got good news NO TRANSFUSIONS NEEDED and instead of spending 6-9 hours there Eli was out in a hour which is how long it takes to draw the blood and get results.

Over the last few days Eli has been resting and regaining strength. Being on IV antibiotic 4X a day hasn’t been easy to do but it seems beezrat hashem to be doing what its meant to do as he seems to be feeling a lot better.

This past Shabos Eli got out with us to join in a close family friends Bar Mitzva of Michael Bess. We owe for many things hakaras hatov to his parents and grandparents but a special hakaras hatov to his father Yoel Bess who has set up and maintained this website www.eligradon.com on behalf of Eli since day 1. Our brocha to Michael and Yoel and family is that every Brocha that was received this past Shabos should be mekuyam.

Tuesday and Wednesday IYH we will be back in CHLA for scans. These are by far the most important scans Eli has had since being diagnosed. We daven that Elimelech Ben Basya should get only very good results as we continue on this very long road to a refua shelayma bkarov.