I can’t properly thank everyone who had in mind Eli this past week in their tefilos etc. After checking in to the hospital Sunday night and being warned last week from the DR and the DR on call that this week will definitely not be easy or pleasant, once again BH they were wrong. Each of the 4 days of round 4 of 7 started on time at 10AM and ended at 8PM. Not once did they need to slow it or stop it. Bli ayin hora Eli did not suffer an ounce of pain and on the contrary he was never in a better mood in the hospital then he was this week since being diagnosed.
Like last time the reason I was very vague each night was for the simple reason of not wanting any ayin horas.
There were so many people this week that made Eli feel special. Of course Bikur Cholim for arranging blood for Eli which he needed. They also brought us non stop food for us and Eli. Thank you so much Rabbi Ten and your team. Then there was Chai Lifeline who brought Eli some food all the way from Pico when he decided that’s all he wants and he really ate every last bit. Usually Eli doesn’t eat at all in the hospital but BH this week he was eating non stop.
Then there were many visitors which Eli appreciated every single last one. From family members to family friends it really kept Elis spirits and mood positive all week. There was a organization that came around this week that gave every single child with cancer a choice of either a IPOD or a laptop. Eli picked a IPOD and he’s been busy with it ever since.
While BH this weeks treatment is over we still have a lot lined up over the next month. This coming week Eli will have a full set of scans CT, MIBG and Bone marrow the following week. The last Sunday of this month Eli will check back in to CHLA for rounds 5 and 6 of immunotherapy for 2 consecutive weeks of Sunday thru Friday.
Please continue having Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos. We look forward to being discharged Friday morning and being home before noon and having a much needed normal comfortable undisturbed sleep IYH.
BH, such good news. Good Shabbos to the whole family.
Marcia Fine