
Not sure where to begin but BH all of the scheduled in patient treatments are finally done. To say that this year + has been a challenge would be a under statement but as a resut of this year our lives have been permanently changed for the better.

There is a endless amount of people that we owe hakaras hatov for helping us get thru this year but today we started that and its going to take a very long time to get to each person but we will try. We thanked all the nurses, doctors, front desk people, valet people in CHLA with a good bye lunch/dinner/snack/drink party this afternoon and evening and we thanked them for being true shlichim. 98% of the staff has been extremely nice and helpful and we felt it was the least we can do to show our appreciation.

Late this evening all of the nurses on Elis floor came into the room with a very special gift from CHLA to Eli. A big banner saying “way to go Eli” with a large lego set of an airplane. They all wished Eli well and we in turn wished to never see them again in this building.

BH aside from one of the days this week it was a relatively easy week as far as pain goes and as usual the champ KING ELI didn’t complain even when it wasn’t easy. The endless amount of pain, fear and sleepless nights that have been part of Elis life we can start to IYH put behind us. Eli is a real trooper and has as a result gotten smarter, matured and learned more this year then any child should ever grow in a year.

I don’t know the exact count of nights that we spent in patient but its well over 100 and our main tefila is that Elimelech Ben Basya should be zoche to spend for every night he spent in the hospital 1 year out of the hospital and hopefully that number is 112 nights so that will correspond for Eli to have that many more gezunt years to 120. AMEN

4 thoughts on “1/16/14

  1. Marcia Fine

    So so happy to read that the week went so well for Eli. Thank you for sharing the updates with someone you don’t even know….put a big smile on my face this morning. Look forward to reading that all future tests show that Eli is completely completely recovered.
    Please G-d, only good news from you in the future.
    Good Shabbos.
    Marcia Fine

  2. Dovid refson

    May ELI and your whole family indeed
    be zocheh to
    שמחנו כימות עניתנו שנות ראינו רעה
    It looks like I will have to find another
    Blog to examine each morning
    when I wake up!
    Quite apart from the גבורה of Eli your
    Blog inspired all who read it to a
    התפעלות of מי כעמך ישראל

    Dovid refson

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