The results of the blood cultures came back this morning as positive for an infection and they are treating it with IV antibiotics. From the minute a cancer patient comes into the ER with fever they always treat it as if there is an infection and they start the antibiotics right away so BH for that. It is IYH very treatable and they will just take daily cultures to make sure its under control. This morning Eli received another platelet transfusion as well as the stem cell transplant and it seems to have been helpful to Elis coloring and hopefully will kick start getting his blood counts higher as well.
Elis spirits bli ayin hora are intact and while he remains quite weak he is in a decent mood and BH not in any pain. As a result of this fever and infection and low blood counts we will be in CHLA for the forseeable future and that as time goes on will be a test on Elis and our sanity.
Today there was a request for zchusim on and it immediately yielded many zchusim on behalf of Elimelech Ben Basya. Some that I was informed of and I’m sure others that I may never know. A total of over 50K was donated to tzedaka today all with one purpose a refua shelayma bkarov. AMEN
We’re praying for Eli’s full and quick recovery and SANITY for all…