
GUT VOCH. Eli had a great relaxing and enjoyable shabos with his family along with his Bubby and cousins. While we look forward to many more shabosim and good days ahead like today they have lately been few and far in between and we are about to head into a pretty tough week. BH Elis blood counts are very good right now and we are hoping the weather will cooperate tommorow so that Eli can have an enjoyable day before he needs to get back into the chemo again.

Like I mentioned on Friday this round of chemo Is apparently one of the harsher rounds and may Unfortunately cause a lot of nausea. Eli Bli ayin hora has done a lot better then we initially thought he would and we are counting on him that this week along with all the rest of the treatments will be the same. Eli’s strength and high spirits is what is keeping everyone around him happy in this tough times.

Hoping that there will be many more happy posts with all good news on Elimelech Ben Basya and that everyone should see nachos from him and we should only share in each others simchas. A GUT VOCH