Over Shabos Eli did a lot of resting and relaxing after a very tough week of traveling, being stuck in bed, more traveling and then of course surgery. By Shabos afternoon Eli was already insisting on going to shul for shalosh seudos which he made it for and enjoyed. After almost a week of not being on TPN and losing a good few pounds as a result BH Eli is back on it now and hopefully gaining much needed weight.
There isn’t much on the agenda for the next while other then to recuperate and have labs drawn and when needed transfusions given. The next step is another scan in a few weeks to see what the MIBG therapy did and from there the DRs will decide what treatment to continue with but probably another few rounds of chemo.
On Monday 8/25 will be Elis 9th english birthday (Chuf Av was his hebrew birthday) and all we can hope for is 111 more years of nachas and beezrat hashem good health. Elis smiles, humor and strength that have gotten us thru some difficult times should be smiles of only besuros tovos.
Please continue having Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel in all your tefilos.