The frustration today hit a all time high with every nurse and receptionist doing what they do best drink coffee and waste children and their families time. Got to CHLA at 7:45AM to watch the nurse who has a very big job of taking one ounce of contrast and pour it into a bottle of powerade sit on her cell phone for 50 minutes until I lost it on her and she finally gave Eli the drink which needs to be drunk over a 90 minute period to help with the CT scan. While he was drinking the contrast we went to ask his 12:30 appt if they can give him the thyro shield drops he needs prior to MIBG injection. The receptionist said no because “we need to give it to him right before the injection” ok very well understood. When the CT was done Eli went home since there was a few hours in between appointments.
When Eli got back at 12:15 for his 12:30 appt they once again had him sit there doing nothing instead of giving him the drops so that the 45 minute in between drinking the drops and injection can start. Finally at 1:15 they came out to give him the drops only to make up a new story that we were supposed to bring the drops from our house which after having 6 MIBG injections we never once brought. So here we go again they need to order it from the pharmacy which took an additional 45 minutes. So instead of being there from 12:30-1:15 we were there for closer to 3 hours all in the name of laziness on the part of the staff at CHLA.
Anyway the CT scan is done the pre MIBG scan is done and IYH on Wed at 8AM we are back for a GI appointment followed by the MIBG scan at 11AM. The scan takes about 2 hours and we hope to have good results before YT starts.
We are looking forward to ending off the year with good news and to start the new year on a good start with a year of only besuros tovos. Please continue having Elimelech Ben Basya and all cholim in all your tefilos.
May Eli have a complete refuah as quickly as possible, so that neither he nor you have to continue to endure the complete incompetence of a hospital that is supposed to cater to very sick children and their families, Obviously sensitivity training and better staff would go as long way in smoothing out how treatment is administered. IY’H may Eli get really good news so further trips to CHLA will no longer be necessary. We wish your entire family and Chasiva V’ Chasima Tova.
Kol Tuv,
Sylvia and Manny Danzer
Please G-d, we should read that ALL TEST RESULTS are good and that Eli and his family should have a minimal amount of discomfort on the way to a complete and total recovery for Eli.
May Hashem bless the whole family with a year filled with good health and brachah.
Stu and Marcia Fine