
Bli ayin hora Eli made it school for the short day on Sunday and really enjoyed it. Erev RH Eli was visited by his rebbi Rabbi Trainer and was given a lot of the sheets and papers that the rest of his class got and read thru all of them over YT.

Today once again we were happily surprised that BH Elis blood counts climbed and are almost normal and therefore did not require any transfusions so he was in and out in under an hour. After getting home and eating which he’s been doing a lot of lately he decided for the first time this year to try out english class and it worked out very well.

Thursday we will IYH meet the DR and hopefully get an idea and picture of what the plan for the next few months are such as what treatment, when, where etc etc.

Please continue having Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel in your tefilos.

One thought on “9/29/14

  1. Leah Reiss

    Chasdei Hashem!!!!! Your post put a smile on my face and warmed my heart !!!!! This year should iyh be filled with refuoes and yeshuoes !!!!! G’mar chasimah Tova !!!!

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