Shabos brought with it some good news. There was worry about Elis liver but BH after a ultrasound late Friday afternoon it came back negative for any problems. This morning blood draw also showed a lot of improvement on the liver number that was quite high the first 2 days of this stay.
We once again were joined by “Uncle” Yoeli Friday night for the meal which was very nice. Shabos day as always Rabbi Ten walked the long walk there and back and the local Chabad Shliach Rabbi Korf and his son came and then Uncle Reuven walked in also to make the long boring day a little less boring. Thank you.
Eli has definitely improved and BH the cultures have stayed negative and they have narrowed it down to 1 antibiotic for the staph infection that Eli has. We are hoping that by Monday Eli will be able to go home. Its dependent on 3 things. 3 consecutive cultures (we have 2) no fever for 24 hours+ (we don’t have that yet) and for his white blood count to be above zero (we don’t have that yet) so we are hoping that Eli continues to feel better but also gets the 2 parts of the puzzle we need for discharge.
This evening RCCS released the video for their auction starring Eli and 8th day and can be viewed by clicking on this link
Please continue davening for Elimelech ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel. A GUT VOCH
I’ve been following Eli since the beginning he truly inspires us all. The rccs video clip was amazing and he did a great job. I have him in all my daily prayers and wish him a refuah Shleima bkarov. May Hashem give him the koach to keep fighting and get through this. We are always thinking of him.
Jennifer Lowy
Loved the video. Eli has such a sweet infectious smile – found myself smiling too.
Please G-d, only good news
Marcia Fine
My name is Michael. You do not know me. I know of your story because your father is a important part of our community. I have been following your blog for some time. I am truly amazed by your strength and your determination to only have the best treatment for Eli.
The video was truly amazing, and showed yours and Eli’s strength. I will continue to have Eli in mind in my tefillot.
Wishing you nothing but the best,