Once again as always we were lucky to have the “uncles” join us in the hospital for the Friday night seuda and it was and always is very much appreciated.
The medication Eli was given for the constepation overdid what it was meant to do and had Eli going to the bathroom very often but atleast we got that out of the way. Eli was complaining of chest pain and has a very deep cough so they brought in a x-ray to make sure all was ok which BH it seemed to be. Late Friday night they started a new type of chemo which beezrat hashem will have a stronger effect then these past 2 rounds. There aren’t any major known side effects to the chemo he is receiving.
A side eefect of the large amounts of morphine Eli was getting was slowing his heart rate down and they had Eli as a precaution on oxygen on and off thruought the day to help with that. Shabos afternoon as we always have when we are in the hospital we were visited by Rabbi Ten of Bikur Cholim. And then we were also visited by the local Chabad Shliach Rabbi Korf and his son. We then had a few more of our friends make the long shlep and was all very much appreciated.
For some odd reason Elis hemoglobin was very low today and once they gave him a blood transfusion BH things started to get somewhat better. Eli was eating a little and in a much better mood then he’s been of late. Also Elis pain seems to be basically under control of all the medications and hopefully at some point sooner then later they will begin trying to ake him off IV medications and having it done orally in preparation to going home.
Please as always have Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos. A GUT VOCH
So sorry that Eli has been having such a rough time of late. As usual we continue to daven for him to have a Refuah Shleima. Fortunately, he is now on a new regimen of chemo and we hope that this new protocol will
have positive results, and that IY’H the next posting on your part should say, , the cancer is in remission and Eli is Be’H on the mend permanently.
Hope you all have a Shvua Tov.