Eli is BH feeling very well today and his cotton candy machine is finally working. Eli will be selling cotton candy, soda and water for $1 each in our driveway today from 2:00-3:00. If you can make it he will be so happy to see everyone. Our address is 176 S FULLER.
Author Archives: gradonadmin
Eli came home Friday afternoon exhausted and very unhappy. He got into bed at 5PM for the night. After a little talk he decided at 615 he wants to go to shul. He suddenly got a 2nd wind and was up for part of the meal and ate a decent amount as well. Shabos morning he woke up in a great mood and between going to shul, eating the seuda and a little bit of relaxing he had all in all a very good enjoyable and restful Shabos BH.
We hope this only continues and gets better and stronger Sunday as we prepare for another round in CHLA starting Sunday night and IYH getting out Friday morning.
We have been told that this week will probably challenging for Elimelech Ben Basya and we hope they are wrong but please as always daven on his behalf that it going by quickly, easily and IYH pain free. A GUT VOCH
Although beyond exhausted and weak Eli made it home a little earlier then scheduled and is now resting and hopefully will have somewhat of a relaxed weekend. Its been a long week and we can use the sleep and relaxing and beezrat hashem Eli will do just that.
Sunday night its back to the grind for another round of immunotherapy. We are done round 2 of 7 and next week will IYH be the 3rd round.
Please daven that Elimelech Ben Basya should regain some much needed strength so he can continue the fight next week. A GUT SHABOS. A GUT CHODESH
Eli is very much looking forward to getting a short break and be home for Shabos and so are we all. I finally explained to the nurses that they need to coordinate their night to come in as little as possible so that hopefully Eli can have a semi normal night of sleep. Let’s hope they listen.
The plan for Friday is to unhook Eli about 2:30PM from the IV and then observe him for about an hour and then discharge him. So beezrat hashem Eli will be home around 4PM for about 2 days before we got to come back on Sunday night to start next round and another week of immunotherapy.
Please continue to have Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos.
The nights while on immunotherapy are not easy and for some reason they can’t coordinate things to be done at the same time. One of the very normal common side effects is fever and to try to reduce the chance of getting fever they give tylenol every 4 hours around the clock. So during Elis sleep he is woken 3 times to take tylenol. Also while being on immunotherapy they need to take Elis vital signs every 4 hours why they can’t do both at the same time is beyond comprehension but that’s how it goes. So basically Eli is woken up every 2 hours and usually goes right back to sleep its just not easy.
Other then the morning not starting exactly how we would of liked it with Eli being nauseous the rest of the day went by very nicely. Eli was visited by his zaidy and some family friends which even though he doesn’t always show at the time his appreciation he really does enjoy them and appreciates it. Hopefully Thursday will go quick and easy so we can look forward to discharge day IYH in the afternoon on Friday.
Elimelech Ben Basya should be zoche to a refua shelayma bkarov
Don’t want to give any ayin horas but other then the nurses waking Eli up every few hours last night the day could not of been much better under the circumstances. Eli spent the day relaxing and cracking jokes with everyone that was around. Ari has always been very sad whenever Eli isn’t at home and was begging to leave school early to visit Eli so he did that and they really had fun together.
Thank you to Chai Lifeline for sending Eli his favorite dinner after he kept saying I don’t want to eat “but I’ll eat a steak from shilos” and they brought that and he really ate a decent amount of it. We are hoping to have a better night sleep so Eli can continue being in a good mood and feeling well like he BH is now.
As always Elimelech Ben Basya lrefua shelayma bsoch shaar choley yisroel AMEN
After a good night sleep Eli got a pretty early start to the day and was headed to CHLA before 10AM. After going thru the admission process Eli finally got to his room and went thru the regular checkups from the DRs and nurses. They finally got the IV going at about 2PM and it runs for 4 days straight so that means beezrat hashem if all goes well discharge should be in the afternoon on Friday.
Usually Eli once he gets to the hospital decides he’s done eating until he leaves and today was no different. HOWEVER at 4PM he decided he was in the mood of eating and even though the hour was late Rabbi Ten and Adina at Bikur Cholim who never have let us down had it arranged and delivered shortly after. Eli ate it all and enjoyed it and we couldn’t be happier. THANKS
So far so good Eli is feeling fine and was in a great mood all day and finally got to sleep at about 11PM. Hopefully they won’t bother him to many times and will let him sleep so that he can be up and strong for tommorow. Bli ayin hora there have been no side effects and we hope it will stay that way.
Please daven that the week and all the treatments should go by easily for Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel.
We had a very relaxed day today mostly at home. We got Eli out for a walk and some errands but other then that he wanted to be home playing some of his favorite games that he won’t have for the next while in CHLA. Eli is prepared and ready for another few days in the hospital and we hope it will go as easy and smooth as possible.
Eli will be on a 96 hour continuous IV of immunotherapy which according to the DR other then possibly fever it shouldn’t cause Eli any pain and we hope he is right. He already has a room assigned and as soon as we can get Eli there in the morning is hopefully the same time they will discharge Eli on Friday.
Please as always keep Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos etc.
We were lucky and for almost all of YT Eli felt for the most part very good and had a little more strength then he has had lately. He go to shul everyday and enjoyed being around people. Simchas Torah he got to hold one of the “tanach” sifrei torah which he really enjoyed and danced with it on his own for a while.
On Monday morning we get a reality check and its back to CHLA until Friday morning. This will be round 2 of 7 of immunotherapy. It is IYH going to be according to the DR a lighter version of immunotherapy and should be pain free. Eli will IYH be home for Shabos and then its right back again for round 3 of 7 on Sunday thru Friday again followed by a 3 week break. Round 3 of 7 is a repeat of round 1 which wasn’t pleasant to put it mildly but we are not think that far ahead.
As we start a new week and a new round of therapy please keep Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shar choley yisroel in all your tefilos etc. A GUT VOCH
BH Eli had a nice relaxed day and we hope that’s how he will be for the remainder of YT.
Please have Elimelech Ben Basya in mind in all your tefilos over YT and shabos.