
No news is good news and other then a very good day there isn’t much to talk about and we look forward beezrat Hashem to this continuing. We still have a ways to go to get Eli back to full strength but BH it seems he is heading in the right direction and “halevay vayter”.

As always Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos as we continue to work on reaching nothing less then the ultimate goal of a refua shelayma


Another very good day with bli ayin hora a lot of progress. Eli woke up asking for food and ate a few rounds of small but decent sized meals during the day. Late in the morning I took Eli for a 20 minute drive to the Valley so he can be menachem avel his rebbi from last year Rabbi Jacobs who is sitting shiva for his mother.

We hope and daven that Elimelech Ben Basya will continue this trend of eating, and beezrat Hashem getting stronger and healthier every day.


Let the good days continue coming and be here IYH to stay. Bli ayin hora there has been noticeable improvement physically and emotionally the past few days. Eli has been eating and feeling and looking a lot better and stronger. “halevay vayter”

As always please continue having Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos


BH another day that was headed in the right direction and all we can say is “halevay vayter”.

Elimelech Ben Basya lrefuah shelayma bsoch shaar choley Yisroel amen


Beezrat Hashem we should be Zoche to continue seeing many more days with as much progress as Eli had today. He was in a very good mood and ate a very nice amount a few times today.

Please continue having Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos so we can get to the ultimate goal of a refua shelayma BKAROV


Bli Ayin Hora Eli had a very good Shabos a lot of which he spent resting and sleeping. Slowly it seems that he is getting back his strength ad has been having more of an appetite to eat more food. It seems for now that until all of Eli’s treatments are beezrat Hashem done we will be keeping home from school as he physically isn’t up for it and neither do we CV want to risk him catching anything that can be contagious.

For now there is nothing on the schedule until a DR appt next week to see that Eli is up and ready to start the last round of immunotherapy which is now scheduled to begin 1/12/14. Until then we are going to be working on ard on getting Eli to full strength.

Please as always continue to have Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos. A GUT VOCH


We look forward to IYH continuing the current trend. Eli had a good night sleep and woke up feeling happy and in a good mood. Most of the day he was home but he was eating and getting around a lot better then he has been of late.

Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley Yisroel


Slowly but surely Eli BH continues to recover from the flu and is regaining some strength. He felt pretty good almost all day but we went to the DR to check out what can be causing the chest pains. They drew Eli’s blood work and took a chest x-ray and both were pretty normal. So we will just have to keep an eye on Eli and make sure it only gets better.

Eli still isnt up to doing much but is eating and drinking a little more each day which will beezrat Hashem help him gain back the few pounds he lost in the hospital last week.

As always please keep Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos


For the most part we had a enjoyable day and even made it to the beech for a bike ride. I say for the most part because Eli has been having unexplained chest pains which do not cause any not normal breathing it just puts him in a lot of pain for anywhere from a few seconds to a minute or 2. Hopefully it will get better on its own or we will have it checked out further. It started almost 2 weeks ago and was checked out during his stay in the hospital and the DRs didn’t feel it was anything to worry about.

Eli ate some more solids today and beezrat Hashem he will continue eating more daily to help rebuild some needed weight and strength.

Elimelech Ben Basya lrefuah shelayma bsoch shaar choley Yisroel


Bli Ayin Hora Eli is now moving in the right direction after going downhill for the last while. He physically looked and felt a lot better and for the first time in more then 2 weeks he took a few bites of soup. We hope this continues at a faster pace so Eli can get back on track and gain back the weight he has lost while fighting the flu.

Eli got out quite a few times today for walks which he really loves. He was then visited by his rebbi Rabbi Weiner which made him feel very special. We look forward beezrat Hashem to sharing good and better news daily.

Thank you all for continuing to have Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos and please continue to do so.