
Not much to report other then we are working on helping Eli on what seems like a very slow recovery process. Hopefully IYH as Eli gets over the flu the recovery will pick up speed. The one thing that Eli has been enjoying is taking very long strolls getting fresh air which has been helping with his extreme nausea.

Please have Elimelech Ben Basya in your tefilos in the hopes that he will kick this flu and get back on his feet literally BKAROV


Eli was finally home at 11AM today after a long week in the hospital. We look forward to doing everything possible to help him get back to himself which as of now seems like a very long road. Eli definitely enjoyed the fresh air which he didn’t get any of all week.

Elimelech Ben Basya lrefuah shelayma BKAROV


There was definitely some improvement over Shabos however there is a long road just ahead just to get Eli back to where he was prior to this weeks unplanned hospitalization. He hasn’t left his bed all week, and hasn’t been physically able to do any excercise. Aside from being extremely sick because the DRs are nervous that he is contagious they didn’t allow for him to leave the room which is something that nearly every day he normally does to go out for a few minutes for fresh air. After discussions/arguments I finally convinced the on call DR to let Eli go home today right after Shabos as long as I sign some AMA (against medical advice) forms. The problem then came that the social workers have a new rule that they report anyone that does that to Child Protective Services who can be extreme reshoyim. So there goes that plan and we cant leave. Then I altered the DR that their math is incorrect as they said that Eli needs to be on IV medication 7 days which began Monday yet they don’t want to discharge him until Monday which is 8 days. So BH I won that argument and beezrat Hashem they will discharge Eli as soon as he takes the IV medication in the morning on Sunday.

We have a long road of slowly getting Eli literally back on his feet for the next few days and weeks and IYH we will succeed and get him as strong as ever. The next scheduled treatment is round 7 of 7 of immunotherapy scheduled to start in 2 weeks from Sunday (Jan 5).

There are a ton of people that we always need to thank but this extremely difficult week was made a lot easier with the non stop help with food from Rabbi Ten and Bikur Cholim and their volunteers, Rabbi Korf from Chabad of Los Feliz who came many times this week to visit including on Shabos as always. Then there is my mother who has come every morning this week and every week and doesnt for a second ever stop thinking/calling/ doing/davening for Eli and making everything eaier on us and so that I can take the kids to school and get to work at a early hour before Bassy takes over.

This Shabos I was lucky to have 2 good friends for the seudah in CHLA Yakov Goldstein and Yossi Wilshansky who made a usually extremely boring Friday night into a entertaining and enjoyable one for both me and Eli. Then of course Rabbis Ten and Korf walked in to visit Shabos afternoon to make the day feel semi normal and then we had a special visit from my brother Reuven and Ron Kreisel who is ALWAYS there for us and Eli anytime to give us a break or take care of anything we need. So to all these people we may not properly be able to show you how much you mean to us but you really mean the world and have made a Very tough situation a lot more manageable and to thank we thank you.

On that note please daven that Elimelech Ben Basya is sable to leave in the morning and have a good solid week of only yeshuas and a week of gaining weight, strength and beezrat Hashem good health. A GUT VOCH


We hope that Friday we will see some improvement to Elis mood and strength because until now for the most part its been mostly downhill this week. He isn’t in the mood of anything because most of the time he is extremely nauseous and is very agitated as a result. They finally have Eli on medication for the nausea around the clock instead of having to ask for it each time.

The recovery time for anyone with the flu takes a few days and we hope that’s all it will take with Eli as well. Friday will be his 5th day in the hospital this week and 15 out of the last 19 days in the hospital. Its taking its toll but beezrat hashem Eli will be up to getting out of bed which he hasn’t yet this week and get some fresh air on Friday. The DR feels that after 7 full days of antibiotics which will be Monday is when they would feel comfortable to discharge Eli.

Please have Elimelech Ben Basya in mind in all your tefilos so we can get the road to recovery of this flu to go as quick as possible.


Today was a rather long and not a fun day for Eli. He didn’t feel well most of the day and was extremely nauseous. He is very weak and not himself due to all the medications, IVs, and antibiotics he is currently taking.

Late this afternoon they informed us that Eli has the flu which for anyone isn’t good and all the more so for Eli in this situation. Because of how he is doing and the amounts of antibiotics he is on we will likely be here for a quite a few more days. Beezrat hashem the meds will all do what they are meant to do for Eli.

Hoping to have only good news in the next few days for Elimelech Ben Basya and that his condition, mood, strength only get better so he can get home and get back to schoo and. Of course a refua shelayma. Bkarov


BH today was a lot better then yesterday. Elis blood pressure stabilized and they removed the IV that helped them bring it to normal. His high fever and high heart rate BH has also been stable and good. Late this afternoon Eli was moved out of the ICU to a regular room. He is for some unexplained reason very nauseous and not in the mood of very much.

So far all blood cultures have remained negative so BH for that, however due to the fact that things weren’t good yesterday they feel they want to monitor Eli for possibly a few more days. We should have a better picture hopefully tomorrow regarding that. Eli remains very tired and weak and hasn’t recovered yet from the last 2 weeks of being inpatient for immunotherapy and this is making it harder to reach that goal.

We hope and daven that Elimelech Ben Basya will get stronger and better with every passing moment and that the fever doesn’t come back and the cultures beezrat hashem stay negative.


Today was anything but normal. Eli woke up throwing up and totally not himself. As the morning went on he didn’t look or act himself and then at about 11:30AM Eli got a fever. We took him immediately to the ER at CHLA and they put him on the regular IV antibiotics which they always do anytime there is a fever. Elis blood pressure was very low for a decent period of time and as a result they needed to get him on a IV for that to regulate. The problem is that IV can only be given in the ICU so he was brought there right away to get that started. Hopefully Eli will only stay in the ICU overnight if his blood pressure stays regular without the IV. Once the blood pressure is stable for a while IYH they will move Eli to a regular room.

BH Eli is stable and is reacting well to that IV the problem is his fever is still pretty high. The blood cultures they take which beezrat hashem will let them know if CV there is an infection or what the problem is and what treatment is necessary will be decided based on that. The results can take up to 24 hours after the blood is drawn so we will be waiting for those results.

Elis platelets were a little lower then usual also so he received a platelet transfusion as well. This all came to us as a surprise and unfortunately is somewhat normal. As a result of all this Eli will need to be inpatient for at least a few days until all the levels are back to normal and whatever the cause of all this is figured out and treated.

In the meantime please as always have Elimelech Ben Basya in mind in all your tefilos in hopes that this is nothing serious and that he will be able to go home as soon as possible.


Eli is slowly getting back to himself and its taking a little bit longer then the last few rounds which is expected. As a result he will probably not end up going to school on Monday and we will reevaluate how he’s doing to see if Tuesday is a possibility.

Monday is a scheduled DR appt to see if Elis blood levels are well enough to begin the next round of accutane.

Please as always continue davening for Elimelech Ben Basya


Although Eli was more tired then usual he had a great Shabos and we look forward to that carrying over to this week and the coming weeks.

The only thing on the schedule is a DR appt on Monday to check his blood levels to see if Eli can begin taking accutane again.

Elimelech Ben Basya lrefua shelayma bsoch shaar choley yisroel amen. A GUT VOCH