
BH Eli was home before noon today and spent the remainder of the afternoon relaxing at home. He did get a visit from his rebbi Rabbi Weiner which he really enjoyed and appreciated.

We look forward to beezrat hashem a 3+ week break of inpatient treatments and watching Elimelech Ben Basya grow and regain his strength. A GUT SHABOS


Eli needed a blood transfusion this morning and it definitely helped him regain his color and some strength. As a result the immunotherapy IV started a little bit later and ended a little later but bli ayin hora went without any pauses. As of about 11PM the main IV is done for this round.

Eli enjoyed as always the visitors that came today and one that brought their son to play a game with Eli which was great. The plan is to finish off the 2nd IV and TPN in the morning hours and be home before noon. We look forward to beezrat hashem a 3+ week break until the next and final round of immunotherapy begins the first week in January.

Please as always have Elimelech Ben Basya in mind in all your tefilos. Have an easy fast.


One more day until this round is finally over. The relief Eli gets as soon as the IV is off is a beautiful sight to see as he finally gets back somewhat to himself. There are 2 IVs of immunotherapy this round one which goes continuous all week and the other one is about 10 hours a day and that’s the brutal one.

Eli bli ayin hora for the most part is as always very happy and makes the best of the situation. Beezrat hashem all will be done Friday morning at a normal hour and this will conclude round 6 of 7.

Please continue to daven for Elimelech Ben Basya that there shouldn’t ever be pain and that the treatments should do what they are meant to do which is bring Eli to a refua shelayma


Eli had a very exciting morning and afternoon today at CHLA with a lot of visitors that he really appreciated and then he got a special visitor from one of the Dodgers that came to visit CHLA and met most kids in the playroom but made a special visit to Elis room where he took pictures and gave Eli a bunch of presents. Was really nice and lifted Elis mood a lot. Later this afternoon the side effects and medication kicked in but bli ayin hora not as bad as yesterday.

2 out of the 4 days are BH done and hopefully the next 2 will go as planned and not have any side effects. We IYH will be done this round sometime Friday morning.

Elimelech Ben Basya Lrefua shelyama bsoch shaar choley yisroel amen.


Today was a pretty long day most of which Eli slept which is a good thing. There were definitely some side effects today. Eli had some low grade fevers and was nauseous. They gave him strong medication to fight the pain and it made him sleep almost all day. The good news is Eli was able to handle the treatment and it ran straight for 10 hours with no breaks.

Let’s hope that tomorrow is a lot easier and better with no side effects. This round of immunotherapy has 2 IVs one that runs for 4 days straight and the other one which is the one causing the side effects runs for 10 hours unless they need to stop or slow it down then it would run for up to 20 hours.

Please daven that the next few days should go smooth, easy and pain free for Elimelech Ben Basya.


A perfect all around day. It started with playing games at home with Sori and Ari and then to an upsherin followed by a visit from Zaidy and then we all went together for dinner. After that thanks to Chai Lifeline Eli went to his first Lakers game which we really enjoyed.

Straight from the game it was time to check back into CHLA for round 6. It is possible to be a very tough week but beezrat hashem that will not be the case.

Please daven on behalf of Elimelech Ben Basya that the week should be pain free and all should go as planned.


Eli as always was in a great happy mood all of Shabos and we look forward to that mood carrying over into a possibly difficult week back in CHLA. This Shabos was the Bar Mitzva of Joey Brecher whom Eli has become very friendly with and who has spent despite his age many hours entertaining Eli in the hospital. And we wish Joey and his family only besuros tovos and nachas from him and the whole family.

This week is round 6 of 7 of immunotherapy. Eli is scheduled to be back Sunday night until Friday morning. This once again can be a very painful week and as always we hope under these circumstances that the DRs will be wrong and all will beezrat hashem go easy and smooth and start and end as scheduled.

Please daven for Elimelech Ben Basya that it should be a successful pain-free week and the treatment should do only exactly what its meant to do which is bring Eli one step close to a refua shelayma. A GUT VOCH


Beezrat hashem in 12 hours Eli will be home for Shabos. It has bli ayin hora been a good week in terms of the treatment but very long in terms of not being home and missing half of Chanukah. Hopefully we will all get some rest and relaxation before we turn right back for another Sunday night-Friday back at CHLA.

Please continue to daven for Elimelech Ben Basya that all should continue going as scheduled and planned.


The IV has about 36 hours left until this weeks treatment is done. Eli BH was in a very happy mood as usual today. Then late afternoon came time for Eli to go down to the hospitals main cafeteria where 7 DRs and Eli were each given the honor of lighting one ner for the final night of Chanuka. This made Eli feel very special and he enjoyed seeing the whole family come to watch him do this.

As always please continue having Elimelech Ben Basya in all your tefilos.