Eli made it to school for the first time since right before Rosh Hashana and he lasted as long as we had hoped for which was until lunch time. He was picked up at that point to head to CHLA for a scheduled DR appointment to make sure his blood levels are up to par where they need to be to continue taking accutane. BH the #s were good and Eli is now back on accutane for the next 2 weeks.
The next scheduled round of immunotherapy isn’t until Nov 3rd and we hope that Eli will continue making progress every day in his physical strength and weight before then. After the next round of immunotherapy Eli will have the regular scans to bli ayin hora make sure things are still all clean.
The hope for Tuesday is that Eli will have enough strength to either make it through a full day with his class or a good part of it. He was welcomed back with welcome back cards from his classmates and enjoyed reading each and every note.
As always please keep Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel in all your tefilos etc
Moshe came home from school today, and with a huge smile of excitement said, ” ELI was in school today!” YAY and may he be strong and well.