The morning didn’t start to well for Eli but BH as the day progressed he got a lot better. Eli woke up very nauseous and threw up a few times until he was finally relaxed in his hospital bed where he layed without eating and almost not drinking for the next 5+ hours. He started getting back his appetite after he finally got home at 3PM and slowly started drinking then eating. Eli and all of us are looking forward to his final treatment of this round and planning on a nice and relaxed shabos. Eli also finally is learning how to swallow a pill as opposed to liquid which really doesn’t smell or taste good so he’s very happy about that.
This afternoon I went to my Shul for tefilas yom kipper koton where I was met by about 30 other mostly balei batim that left work to say the special tefila at 12:30 in the afternoon and we owe hakaros hatov to everyone that came and to everyone that said it in many other places and cities across the world today as a Zchus lrefua for Eli.
Elimelech Ben Basya is finally in bed and anxiously waiting to finish this second round of chemo which he took like a real superstar without even one complaint even though it’s very tough and rough on anyone let alone a 7 year old child but with everyone’s help, tefilas, bakashas, and Kabbalos it’s made things a lot easier and we hope to only continue to share good news.
Hi Bassy and Malkiel, I just wanted to let you know that Aryeh fasted yesterday morning and davened the tefillah for Yom Kippur Koton, as a zchus for Eli. He should have a refuah shelaimah b’korov!
Aryeh and Rochie (Ribiat) Feldman