
There hasn’t been much to update other then Eli has been doing BAH great. He has been in school full time lately and is catching up on some things and on most things he is BH way above his class.

On Tuesday a generous donor thru Bikur Cholim gave Eli 4 tickets to the Laker game which he took 2 of his classmates with and thoroughly had a great night in very good seats (nothing less then that for THE KING)

Today Eli had a scheduled DR visit to see how things are going with the chemo pills and to check his blood counts. Before the scheduled time arrived Eli starting coming down with a low grade fever at 11AM and we immediately took him to the hospital. As lately has gone Elis blood pressure started dropping so they were keeping a very close eye on him but BH he had no fever and the BP stabilized. They then took blood cultures and gave antibiotics as a precaution. After 6 hours in the ER and all was ok we were BH discharged.

We hope and daven that all stays and continues only in the right direction and that the blood cultures which take a day or 2 sometimes to grow bacteria should always be negative. In the meantime everything is status quo and IYH in the morning Eli will feel fine and be back in school.

Please as always continue having Elimelech Ben Basya and our very close friend Chaya Mushka Bas Haddasa Shayna in all your tefilos. We look forward to seeing them and all cholim get what they need and deserve a refua shelayma.