Today is a day that hopefully Eli will not remember. He was in a bad mood from when he woke up after the few short hours that he barely slept. The nausea was very intense today and the vomiting was not fun and really almost unfair. He didnt even try to eat anything today for his fear that it would come right out. Bh the night ended on a good note with a visit from his “uncle” who REALLY made him smile for the first time today.Eli has definetly lost some weight this week and we are really looking forward to getting out of CHLA for a very needed break hopefully before shabos beezrat Hashem.
Hopefully moving into our new house will make Eli feel comfortable and happy and we look forward to having him home especially for his brother and sister who have not seen Eli since Monday. IYH he will be up to eating and getting some excercise so he can gather himself and the strength he will need to continue fighting this machla.
We are davening that Elimelech Ben Basya will have a much better day Friday and that he will have the koach to continue this fight and enough koach that the doctors will feel he is strong enough to go home for shabos.
We are all davening for Eli and hope that he is home with the family for shabbos. Some days are worse than others as you know, and hopefully the future treatments won’t be as difficult. Meshane Makom methane mazel, I hope your new home will bring much comfort and mazel for the whole family.
Have a good shabbos