Monthly Archives: August 2013


We enjoyed shabos together and had a lot of time to relax, shmooze and just be together. Eli was in a very good mood and got out to a kidush, shul and a for a few good walks.

We have a very busy schedule this week set up for Eli with him having to be in CHLA every day for a different test and or scan, CT, MIBG, bone marrow etc. Beezrat hashem we will continue to have clean scans and be headed in the right direction. Hopefully they won’t keep us waiting for the results as the unknown is always the hardest part. We also hope to have a meeting with his DR and GI together to see what they can come up with to help with the diarrhea problems which don’t seem at all to be getting better.

Please daven that Elimelech Ben Basya bsoch shaar choley yisroel has a easy and successful week and that IYH all scans will be clean and clear of any and all disease. A GUT VOCH


Another just relaxed day for Eli. His rebbi Rabbi Jacobs came again and he really enjoyed that. We look forward to a nice shabos beezrat hashem at home with Eli hopefully eating, gaining weight and his medication for his stomach hopefully taking effect.

Please as always keep Elimelech Ben Basya and all cholim in your tefilos this Shabos and always. A GUT SHABOS


Pretty quiet day today. After talking for a while about today’s trip to Knotts berry farm Eli changed his mood and mind and backed out of going and stayed home. Rabbi jacobs Elis rebbi came and spent sometime learning and talking to him which we and Eli always appreciate.

Not much else to update other then Eli started a new medication to hopefully help control his diarrhea.

Please keep Elimelech Ben Basya and all cholim in mind in your tefilos etc.


For the first time in almost 3 weeks we didn’t have to shlep down to CHLA Eli had the day off BH. For most of the day he relaxed at home aside from getting out for lunch and a few errands. We continue to try different things to help his stomach and hopefully one of them will work and will help him gain some weight.

IYH on Thursday Eli will join camp and go to Knotts berry farm which is a large amusement park where I will help him get on and off the rides that are suitable for him to go on. He can’t do anything wild because of his weakened state and not to upset either of his lines.

Today was a happy day for Binyomin Chaim Ben Faigie Sarah who is completely done treatment and had his line removed and we daven that he lives a healthy life to 120. Also today Chaya Mushka Bas Haddasa Shaina went to Camp Simcha which she has been wanting to go to for the last few months and BH things worked out for her to be able to go and enjoy. Eli received a big birthday cake today from Chai Lifeline for his birthday which made him really happy and the best part was that he actually ate a piece. Please continue as always to daven for these and cholim that they should be zoche to a refua shelayma

The next schedules appt is a CT scan on Monday which we daven that this scan and all the scans Elimelech Ben Basya will have every few months will always only be very clear and beezrat hashem disease free.


Eli woke up a lot later then he has lately and I think it probably was because he was comfortable and not attached to anything and was able to sleep undisturbed. Once he woke up and he felt rested he went to camp which he hasn’t done in quite a while and really enjoyed the little time he spent there. At 2PM it was back to CHLA for bli ayin hora the final radiation treatment. Our DR scheduled with the nurse to have her reinsert his NG tube which came out last night. Although it wasn’t pleasant as usual Eli did it like a champ and it was done in less then a minute.

Unfortunately Eli lost a few ounces the past few days as he continues to struggle with the diarrhea that he has had for the last 4 months. On Wednesday they will attempt a stronger medication to help slow it down and beezrat hashem that will do the trick as otherwise he will need to be readmitted.

Please continue to daven for Elimelech Ben Basya and all cholim.


The day started off pretty well but had a few bumps along the way. Today’s radiation made Eli pretty nauseous and he threw up in the car on the way home. His appetite has been less also since he’s began radiation which beezrat hashem he will have his final dose on Tuesday. After eating a small dinner and getting into bed earlier then usual after going to sleep the last few nights later then usual Eli was hooked up to the feeding tube and needed to use the bathroom but didn’t make it and along the way somehow ended up pulling out the whole NG tube.

We called the hospital right away and we were warned when they put it in that this may happen and it isn’t that big a deal and they said it can wait until the morning and hopefully they will reinsert it which only takes about 1 minute but isn’t very comfortable as they are putting it in.

This evening I davened in Sharei Tora along with a nice crowd Yom Kipur Koton and I know that Elmelech Ben Basya and sadly the many other cholim of our shul and community were on the minds of everyone and IYH bzchus the tefila we should be zoche to see them all have a refua shaleyma BKAROV


Eli had a great day from start to finish bly ayin hora. He spent the morning relaxing and eating a decent amount. He then decided that he wanted to have a sale of drinks which he loves doing. Thank you to the many people that shelpped out and came to buy drinks and make Eli the happiest kid in the world today. He really felt special knowing that all the people that came showed up specially for him. Later in the evening we enjoyed a BBQ at a friends house which of course is Elis favorite food and BH he ate. Thank you

On Monday its back to CHLA in the early afternoon for radiation. We hope to continue to stay on protocol and have the treatments move along on schedule and be fully successful beezrat hashem.

Please as always keep Elimelech Ben Basya and all cholim in mind as we continue to fight and win this machla. On Monday is erev Rosh Chodesh Elul and in many shuls they will be having a tefilas Yom Kippur Koton which is known the be a special zman tefilah for cholim and anyone that can go should go. Tizku lmitzvos.

8/4/13. soda sale

Anyone that is around the local area and is thirsty Eli is making a cold soda and water sale for $1.00 at the corner of our block 2nd and Fuller beginning at 4:30PM for about an hour. He would enjoy seeing as many people that can come.


We had a beautiful relaxed enjoyable shabos sheva brochos together with Eli and all his cousins, aunts, uncles etc. Eli BH had a lot of strength and was able to be part of playing and somewhat running around with the other kids some a little older and some younger. He continues to receive nightly doses of high calorie feedings thru the NG tube which hopefully is going to help him gain some much needed weight.

Monday and Tuesday are beezrat hashem the last 2 treatments of radiation. The following week is scans and IYH in early Sep is the next phase of the treatment.

Please as always keep Elimelech Ben Basya and all cholim in your tefilos kabalos etc so we can be zohe to continue seeing nachas and IYH only gezunt. A GUT VOCH


Eli slept pretty well last night and woke up a lot later then usual and then was off to CHLA for day 10 of 12 of radiation which went as smooth as the rest of them bli ayin hora. Hopefully Elis body will have a short rest without all the rays and medications and beezrat hashem will enjoy spending shabos with his cousins and uncles and aunts during shabos sheva brochos.

Monday and Tuesday are the last days of radiation and IYH Eli will have the rest of the week without having to be at all in the hospital. Right after radiation today I put him on the scale and it showed that he was exactly the same as he was when he left the hospital a few days ago so at least he didn’t lose any more weight.

This was a very special week for Binyomin Chaim Ben Faigie Sarah who BH is done the treatment plan and bli ayin hora received the unbelievable news of a clean bill of health and we bentch him with gezunt until 120. Hopefully he will be joined in a few months by Elimelech Ben Basya, Chaya Mushka bas Hadassa Shaina bsoch shaar choley yisroel. A GUT SHABOS