Monthly Archives: May 2014


Not much to report other then the treatment is moving along and hopefully will have only positive results with the least possible side effects. Eli had an ok day other then bad nasuea. Late this afternoon Ari and Sori came to visit which they all really enjoy.

As always Elimelech Ben Basya lrefua shelayma.


The 3rd of 5 sessions of chemo in this round is underway and beezrat hashem it is only doing what its meant to do. As always with chemo as the time goes on the side effects kick in and while they weren’t to bad they were definitely there. Eli was quite nauseous as the day progressed and is done with eating as usual for the next few days probably. This dose of chemo once again is extremely high and it will bring Elis blood counts down to zero and then beezrat hashem will start climbing again.

The plan IYH is to finish chemo late Friday night and be able to leave Shabos morning. On Monday they want Eli to come back so that they can give him some more of his own stem cells which should jump start his blood counts. It is unfortunately likely that because his counts will be so low that he will get fever and need to be admitted once again but hopefully that won’t be the case.

Please continue davening on behalf of Elimelech Ben Basya and all cholim.