
The morning started early with a DR appt at CHLA at 8:30AM which went as quick as its ever gone and we were out by 9:45. BH Elis blood counts were very good and he was cleared to begin the dreaded unnecessary round of chemo on Monday 4/8.

After non stop pressure from many different people Mrs Esther Schwartz who works for Chai Lifeline calls me and says you are not going to believe this she says I spoke directly to the surgeon and he is willing to come in on Shabos a day he doesn’t work at all to spend the day on Elis behalf to perform the surgery so that he shouldn’t have to go thru more then he already has. We don’t know how we can possibly thank Mrs Schwartz and the surgeon for doing this tremendous favor and for the non stop effort they have been putting in for us as did many others. We couldn’t of asked for more and we are going to NY on Thursday 4/4 hopefully on a private jet arranged by a company that does this purely for chesed for cancer patients. The reason it is a lot more preferable is because flying on a regular plane with hundreds of other peoples germs can chas vshalom transfer some illness to Eli which in turn would not allow for him to have surgery. As of yet we don’t have a confirmed jet but hoping it will work out. Either way we have a appt for pre-op with the surgeon at 8:00AM on Friday 4/5 in Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in NY city.

We have very conflicting ideas on how long we will need to be there but it is all based on how Elis recovery goes etc. It varies from 4 days to 2 weeks and we are hoping that it will be closer to 4 days so that we can get back to LA. BH we have a lot of family and friends in both LA and NY who have been extremely helpful and will help us look after Ari and Sori while we are gone.

There are VERY strict rules in the hospital in NY and as much as we know there are a lot of family and friends that would like to come visit us we are begging that you please not be pushy and ask prior to just showing up that you call or text us to get a time that works for Eli and us rather then what works for you. We hope you understand and not take this personal.

Now more then ever we are asking of everyone to daven on behalf of Elimelech Ben Basya that everything should go as planned and that we should be home in record time without chas vshalom any complications.