
We went as a family to relax alone and spend some nice quality time in Palm Springs and BH all went as planned and was a really nice weekend. The kids played many games, rode bikes and just spent time together as a family. Eli for the most part felt very good and was able to go down the water slide without getting his line wet and Sori and Ari were very happy to see him participate. It has been a few months since we had a somewhat normal Shabos as a whole family with Eli participating and that’s what we wanted and that’s what we got this Shabos and like we say “halevay vayter”.

On Monday we will be back in CHLA for additional testing and scans that will be taking place and there are going to be many of those over the next 2 weeks to make sure that all is IYH going well and that Eli is ready for stem cell transplant tentatively scheduled for the last week in May. We hope that all these tests most of which are easy to take that we will get the results that we daven so hard for. These tests are to make sure that chas vshalom nothing has spread beyond what they already knew and hopefully only shrunk or disappeared.

Elimelech Ben Basya still has a way to go in getting himself back to full strength and he will need every ounce of strength to get thru these tests and long stay in the hospital scheduled for him. We hope that we will only get good results out of these tests so we can see what we hope for which is a refua shelayma BKAROV

One thought on “5/12/13

  1. Ilana Chesner (Wanderer)

    Rochel was in London this Shabbos and she told us about this blog. We are davening for Eli and for all of you at this difficult time. I was so happy to read that Eli was feeling stronger over Shabbos. Be’ezras Hashem it should continue.

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