The last few days haven’t been the best for Eli as he has been neutropenic and in turn extremely weak. For the Most part all he has been doing was resting in a quiet bed and enjoying very long walks. Today Eli was in CHLA for both a blood and platelet transfusion and BH we were home by 4:30. The plan for now is to get Eli’s blood counts out of the dangerously low levels they are currently at so that he can start looking and feeling a lot better then he does right now.
We finally have a small update from NY as to the next phase in the treatment which as of now calls for us to be in NY at MSKCC on Monday 5/19 and 5/20 for scans that the DR specifically wants done there. At MSKCC the DR isn’t sure he agrees with the plan of treatment that the DRs at CHLA plan and he may have other possible treatments once he reviews these scans. Once the scans are reviewed he will decide also as to when the treatments he has in mind will begin. We will therefore only plan on being in NY for that short period of scans and then come back IYH at the time they plan on doing treatment.
Please continue as always having Elimelech Ben Basya in your tefilos that all should go well and that Eli should get back to his full strength BKAROV.
On a side note a very young not even 2 year old girl the granddaughter of our Rov was diagnosed with a similar machla that is also requiring her to undergo chemo therapy and we wish her, her parents, her choshuveh grandparents and all their family to have the kochos to help her fight and win this battle. Her name is Golda Bas Miriam. Besuros tovos.