
The insanity doesn’t seem to have a dull moment. This morning one of Elis lines didn’t flush but since he had a lab appointment they dealt with it there. Eli needed another platelet transfusion today and then they had to TPA his line which means put some stuff in his line to un clog it and BH that worked and did the trick and his line is once again working.

The DR yesterday was fully convinced that at todays labs it would show that Eli is ready to go on Sunday and have the next round of MIBG therapy. Unfortunately he was wrong by the slightest margin and even though it is technically safe for them to go ahead and do the treatment its the FDA that won’t allow it. Therefore the DR will be putting in a request that we hope and he’s pretty sure will be OKd by the FDA to go ahead and do the treatment. The problem is time is of essence and the FDA approval will probably take a few days. In the meantime we will hope that the problem will fix itself and we will IYH continue to do labs so that on the possibility that its ok then we won’t need any special approvals.

So for now it is likely that the MIBG therapy will be pushed off again by a few days. The hope is that it won’t be pushed off any more then that and like Eli always says “move on with life”.

For now we just need to hope and pray that Elimelech Ben Basya gets the blood levels we need him to be at and that we can continue with the treatment in hopes of reaching the ultimate goal of a refua shelayma BKAROV.